Superhero of Love Podcast
You have a Superhero of Love inside you! Come learn to love and be loved more than ever before + fly high with that Mighty Heart of yours!
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
EPISODE 6: Lovespiration #1: Heart Healing after a Loss
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
In honor of Jim & Audri Lanford who passed away last week and who were Superheroes of Love like no others. They taught -- and continue to teach those of us they left behind -- to love and live from our hearts each and every day.
This episode is short: a tiny discussion and a short guided heart-healing meditation that you may like if you have lost someone or lost connection with someone.
Thursday May 31, 2018
EPISODE 5: Actor John Billingsley Talks "Activist Bliss"
Thursday May 31, 2018
Thursday May 31, 2018
Hearing John Billingsley talk about his own twist on activism may be just the ticket for those who are having trouble getting their bearings in our current political climate. It's not all down and dirty serious becuase John is as hilarious as he is smart. Known as an actor for playing the role of Dr. Phlox on the series Star Trek: Enterprise as well as many other roles on top TV series, you will hear where his heart is currently focused, and it may very well spark you into a new expression of your very own brand of activist bliss.
Thursday May 24, 2018
EPISODE 4: Shaman Carol Woodliff Gives Heart-Holding Wisdom
Thursday May 24, 2018
Thursday May 24, 2018
Carol Woodliff is the author of From Scared to Sacred: Lessons in Learning to Dance with Life and co-author with Karen Maleck-Whitely of Stop Managing Stress:20 Questions to Reclaim Your Life. Carol is based in Los Angeles where she leads shaman workshops and has a private healing practice.
Find out more about Carol and read her blog at, and find her on Twitter @scaredtosacred and definitely find the glorious tree spirit photos she speaks about in this episode on Instagram @shamanonthewalk.
Thursday May 17, 2018
EPISODE 3: Transgender Artist T. Chick McClure on Creating Art + Opening Hearts
Thursday May 17, 2018
Thursday May 17, 2018
T. Chick McClure is a transgender artist based in Los Angeles. He speaks about how his art has changed since transitioning, how being authentic has freed up his heart to create and to love even more. He is a true Superhero of Love inspiring others on a daily basis to free their hearts and live their authentic lives.
Find him on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Thursday May 17, 2018
EPISODE 2: Holocaust Survivor Trudie Strobel Spreads Love + Joy
Thursday May 17, 2018
Thursday May 17, 2018
The first 7 years of Trudie Strobel's life were spent in internment in a state of fear and hunger. When freed from the concentration camp, she and her mother were sent to a displacement camp where Trudie learned how to embroider. She is now a master embroiderer whose art can be seen at, at the Museum of the Holocaust in Los Angeles, and in various synagogues and private collections. A book about Trudie's life and art, Tapestorian by Jody Savin-Miller will be out in 2019.
Listen to this podcast to be inspired to keep your heart open in spite of the most severe of adversity and tragedy. Trudie is a true Superhero of Love spreading love, inspiration and joy wherever she goes. Grab a little dose of all of that in this episode.
Thursday May 17, 2018
EPISODE 1: Four Year Old Superhero President Austin + His Superhero Dad, TJ Perine
Thursday May 17, 2018
Thursday May 17, 2018
Austin Perine aka "President Austin" is only 4 years old and is already a veteran Superhero of Love, feeding the homeless and walking the talk of his now famous slogan #showlove. This apple doesn't fall far from the tree. His dad, TJ Perine, has a giant heart too, and talks about what it's like to nurture all of Austin's many superpowers with his wife and superhero costumer, Rhonda. Listen to this episode to hear President Austin tell you about his huge, inspiring dream for one year from now.
Follow Austin here at his President Austin Website or on Twitter @PresidentPerine
NOTE: I apologize for the compromised sound quality on this very first episode. It won't happen again! And, I hope you will listen to the end where Austin shares his wisdom and inspiration!!!