Superhero of Love Podcast
You have a Superhero of Love inside you! Come learn to love and be loved more than ever before + fly high with that Mighty Heart of yours!
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
EPISODE 59: Jen Pasiloff On Being a Giant Human Heart
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Jen Pastiloff's book On Being Human: A Memoir of Waking Up, Living Real, and Listen Hard came out June 4, 2019! It is a stunning, moving, heart-holding and heart-warming memoir.
This episode features the talk that Jen gave at Love Forward Talks on November 11, 2018 that will inspire you to run out and get her book. You'll want more Jen. You'll want more of her very special dose of love that she showers upon all she meets.
Click here after you listen to the podcast to watch her give this talk: YouTube Video of Jen's Love Forward Talk
Enter NOW for the give-away for a free copy of her book by entering a comment on any Superhero of Love social media feed. Winner will be chosen on Fourth of July 2019!
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
EPISODE 58: Healing Generations of Heart Wounds with Carol Woodliff
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Carol Woodliff is a Shaman, a coach, healer and author of a few books including From Scared to Sacred: Lessons in Learning to Dance with Life. She gave a talk at the Love Forward Talks event which happened in Pasadena on November 11, 2018. The audio from that talk is featured in this episode. People are still talking about how inspiring they found the story she shares as well as the wisdom she gained that couldn't help but inspire everyone who was present.
You can watch the Love Forward Talk which is featured in this episode on YouTube and read all about Carol and her work at her website,
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
EPISODE 57: Lyme Disease & Miracles with Stephanie Reid
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Stephanie Reid is a healing facilitator living in Ashland, OR. While specializing in Lyme Disease, she works with clients suffering from a broad spectrum of illnesses & conditions.
Stephanie uses an ability to discern the truth in matter as a guide and calls upon the Angels to help those suffering from illness and other difficulties. It is her mission to help others by bringing Divine truth and light to all who seek her help.
You can connect with Stephanie via email at
As mentioned in the interview, you can check out the Karmic Repair process on one of the Friday Karmic Repair intro calls at You can read more about Master John Douglas at
If you are in the Los Angeles area, or are near enough and suffer with Lyme, the final dates for the current Golden Grace Tour are this weekend, June 15th and 16th in Marina Del Rey.
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
EPISODE 56: When a Mother's Grief Creates Beauty & Love - with Victoria Markham
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Every parent's worst nightmare is losing their beloved child. Some are always terrified of an accidental death. Every new parent has likely feared accidentally harming their child, never imagining though that it might really come true. Victoria Markham endured the worst nightmare, losing her dear 3 1/2 year old boy Koa.
Markham found our American culture under-equipped to deal with grief so she sought other cultures that did grief better, finding comfort, strength and power from them. She now helps others with this wisdom with her company Life Cycle Center and the documentary about her journey, RE:MEMBER, premieres June 11, 2019 in Ashland, Oregon. Go to to find out more about the documentary produced by Markham and directed by great documentary filmmaker Katie Teague.
Thursday May 30, 2019
Thursday May 30, 2019
James Creighton, Ph.D. is a psychologist and relationship consultant who has worked with couples and conducted communications training for more than 50 years. He has helped couples, families, businesses, and even governments resolve their conflicts by systematically and lovingly leading them through their differences. He makes taking care of our collective and individual hearts a fun adventure with plenty of tips, tricks and windows to understanding each other. You are bound to have more love in your heart for family and friends after listening.
You can find James at and find his book anywhere you get your books -- including Amazon.
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
When has it ever been more important to get women onto the Hill to remove the legislative male hands from our uteri? Never before. And thank God Melanie Childers is on the case because she is empowering, clearing and firing up the hearts of women who are stepping into the political arena for the first time.
She doesn't only coach women running for office but the power with which she does comes through this interview and into all of our hearts. She helps us all imagine stepping into our CEO energy, or what we here call our Superhero of Love!
You can't help but feel empowered when in her presence.
If you know a woman that you would like to run for office, PASS THIS ON TO HER!
If you know a woman in Georgia (one of the 8 states to pass legislation set to harm Roe v. Wade) then definitely PASS THIS EPISODE ON TO HER because Melanie informs us that many of the races in Georgia are run unchecked. There are no Dem contenders in many races.
If you know a woman who isn't quite feeling her power, PASS THIS ON TO HER, because this is a fire starter for all our hearts -- whether politically inclined or political-averse.
Find Melanie at and on all social media as The Enlightened Badass.
We also mentioned the Yale program supporting women candidates: Women's Campaign School at Yale University
Thursday May 16, 2019
EPISODE 53: The Wide Open Heart of Author Scott Stabile
Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
When Scott Stabile's parents were murdered he was just 14 years old. No one would have blamed him for shutting down his heart for business at that moment. But he didn't. Instead his journey led him to first survive the unthinkable and then slowly make his way toward healing his heart wounds. More tragedy came, and still he consistently cultivated a life dedicated to love, with an ever widening, life-affirming open heart.
In his book Big Love: The Power of Living with a Wide-Open Heart (New World Library, September 7, 2017) Scott shares that wide open heart with wisdom and hilarity. He reads a wonderful excerpt from the book in this interview and had Bridget laughing pretty hard throughout this interview.
You can find out more about Scott, his book and his upcoming workshops at and follow him on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Thursday May 09, 2019
EPISODE 52: On Being Human with Jen Pastiloff
Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
Jennifer Pastiloff, founder of the online magazine The Manifest-Station, travels the world with her unique workshop On Being Human, a hybrid of yoga-related movement, writing, sharing aloud, letting the snot fly, and the occasional dance party. She is a frequent contributor to SHAPE Magazine, has online yoga classes, and has been featured on Good Morning America, New York Magazine, Health Magazine, CBS News, and others for her unique style of teaching, which she has taught to thousands of women in sold-out workshops all over the world -- including one in France in just a few weeks!
Find her at and on Instagram at @jenpastiloff. She also has many online yoga classes at Her memoir On Being Human (Dutton Books 6/4/19) is available for pre-order now wherever you buy your books.
In this interview we touch on several of the themes in her book, one of which is Beauty Hunting which is really easy to do when you are in her presence. We did this interview in her apartment and in front of us was her son Charlie's little table and chair which still housed his lunch leftovers. Look how beautiful they are -- and how aligned they are with the colors of her book cover!
We also mention Jen's Love Forward Talk (11/11/18) which you can check out here: Love Forward Talks - Jen Pastiloff. Watch it to the end....magic happens. You'll want to be touched by that magic.
Thursday May 02, 2019
EPISODE 51: Dr. Marni Feuerman Helps Us Navigate Ghosting & Breadcrumbing
Thursday May 02, 2019
Thursday May 02, 2019
Dr. Marni Feuerman is the author of Ghosted and Breadcrumbed: Stop Falling for Unavailable Men and Get Smart about Healthy Relationships. She is a licensed social worker and marriage and family therapist with a private practice counseling those with relationship issues.
She has great tips for all of us -- whether in or out of a relationship -- to create more love and intimacy in our lives.
Find Dr. Marni Feuerman at and at Find her book wherever you get your books and/or on Amazon.
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
EPISODE 50: Love Forward Talk Intro for our 50th Episode Anniversary
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Bridget Fonger created Love Forward Talks to further the vision and intention of her book to help people love and be loved more. We have featured a few Love Forward Talks previously -- Ted Lyde, Jan Casebolt and T. Chick McClure -- and more are on the way. This is Bridget's introductory talk which kicked off the event which gives a little peek into what had her write her book Superhero of Love: Heal Your Broken Heart & Then Go Save the World.
You can also see the talk on YouTube.