Superhero of Love Podcast
You have a Superhero of Love inside you! Come learn to love and be loved more than ever before + fly high with that Mighty Heart of yours!
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
EPISODE 18: Lovespiration - A Guided Meditation to Catch Your Heart's Desire
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Bridget had a little experience on vacation that led her to contemplating how we can catch our heart's desires as easily as catching a bouquet of angel flowers. A little story precedes a short heart-focused guided meditation.
If you need a little heart reset to start receiving all the gifts visible and invisible that may be being gently thrown toward you like rose petals, this tiny meditation may give you just what you need.
Thursday Aug 23, 2018
EPISODE 17: Stirling Gardner - From Depression + Despair to Exalting Superhero Love
Thursday Aug 23, 2018
Thursday Aug 23, 2018
Stirling Gardner was an actor and writer in Hollywood when he realized the traffic jam in his head and on Santa Monica Boulevard didn't have to be his norm anymore. He shares the wisdom he gained in overcoming depression, addiction, chronic fatigue and trauma to bring him to his ideal life in Asheville, North Carolina, with the woman of his dreams.
He shares about his experiences with breath work, EMDR and a very special 25 minute morning ritual that you may want to try yourself, or share with anyone who is looking to breathe some joy and divinity into their daily life.
Follow Stirling on Facebook, on Youtube and on Twitter
Sign up for updates on his book at!
Thursday Aug 16, 2018
EPISODE 16: Lovespiration - A Guided Meditation for These Crazy Stressful Times
Thursday Aug 16, 2018
Thursday Aug 16, 2018
Anyone else in the super-stress zone? I am being pushed past my limits these days, and almost everyone I know is in the same boat. It's crucial to remember we are loved and supported during these times. We. Are. Not. Alone.
If you need to hit the re-set button, tune into this short Lovespiration with a guided meditation to shift you from "I gotta do it all by myself" to "I am loved and supported no matter what."
Thursday Aug 09, 2018
Thursday Aug 09, 2018
After we finished recording EPISODE 14 with Superhero of Love Natalie Hampton who rose from the ashes of enduring two years of being bullied at her prestigious private school, it was clear we needed to hear how her parents navigated these stormy heart waters as well. No parent wants to see their child suffer. No parent thinks they can support their child in just the right way when their emotional and physical health are at stake. Listen to Scott and Carolyn share how they got through this and helped Natalie stand strong on her own two feet, while doing their best to support her through these treacherous times. They also ended up deepening their family bonds as a result.
Natalie Hampton also pops in for a brief story in this episode as well, giving even more reason to love and respect her.
Please pass on this episode to any parent you might know as there may be something they will be able to use one day when they end up trying to help their child through rough emotional times.
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Natalie Hampton was bullied for two years at a prestigious private school. She and her parents tried everything to have her remain in the school and stay safe, but the road was difficult, and Natalie has the scars to prove it. Yet, she rose up from years of abuse to take a stand for the kids who can't fight back, and to provide a real life solution with her Sit With Us App, which gives others like her a chance to stand up against bullies and reach out to those who are being bullied.
At 17, Natalie has already received a plethora of award. You will find her gracing the same page as Jane Goodall when she was acknowledged by People magazine in the issue celebrating "25 Women Changing the World." and was 2017 Radio Disney Heroes for Change honoree.
If you have been bullied, or know someone who has, you will want to listen in to her heart of gold wisdom.
Thursday Jul 26, 2018
EPISODE 13: Author/Creative Visionary/Superhero of Love Kathy Eldon Rocks Our World
Thursday Jul 26, 2018
Thursday Jul 26, 2018
Kathy Eldon lost her son, Reuters photojournalist, Dan Eldon, when he was stoned to death in Somalia at just 22 years old. She and her daughter, Amy Eldon, began an extraordinary journey after that heartbreaking event. They created a documentary entitled Dying to Tell the Story which premiered at the United Nations, and which asked journalists and journalists why they regularly risk their lives to tell the stories of tragedy. This started them on a journey of telling Dan's and other stories through books, documentaries and feature films.
Kathy's memoir In the Heart of Life chronicles how she has lived around the globe yet always nestled in her heart center. She is the embodiment of open-hearted, but her greatest gift is being a spark for other's hearts to come alive in most powerful and creative ways. She will likely spark yours.
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
EPISODE 10: Author Nina Lorez Collins' Cape is Flying High in Facebook Skies
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Nina Lorez Collins is the author of What Would Virginia Woolf Do?: And Other Questions I Ask Myself as I Attempt to Age Without Apology, which was inspired by the extraordinary community of women she started on Facebook. Women over 40 can apply to be part of the group -- over 21,000 strong as of this podcast being published - to deal privately, safely, hilariously with all that might touch the heart of a woman over 40. Wicked smart and funny women from all over the globe make a difference in each other's lives 24/7 as a result of Nina's warm and humble leadership.
In this episode Nina talks divorce, loss, parenting, her mom and more. She made me laugh, she made me cry-- yep, it was better than Cats!
Find Nina at her website, and find her books (yes, there are more!) wherever you shop locally for books or at Amazon. If you are a woman over 40, prepare to be moved and inspired, and join her Facebook group by searching What Would Virginia Woolf Do? or click here.
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
EPISODE 9: Lovespiration #2 - Sending Love Guided Meditation
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Many are finding their hearts torn in two by hearing the news of the family separations happening at the border. No matter what our political affiliations we can feel these families' pain as if it were our own. In this episode is a short guided meditation that may help put a salve on your own heart as we send loving attention toward those affected. Honoring the collective heart is honoring each and every heart, including our own.
Friday Jun 22, 2018
EPISODE 8: Dr. Ann Clothier on Healing Hearts & Being Healed
Friday Jun 22, 2018
Friday Jun 22, 2018
Dr. Ann Clothier is a psychoanalyst in Beverly Hills, CA. One of the purest hearted Superheroes of Love, Dr. Clothier is in the business of healing the hearts of her patients. She gives gentle, loving advice for those dealing with depression, loss and cancer. She talks about how gratitude and humor helped her get through her own cancer while also dealing with the loss of dear loved ones.
Dr. Clothier also speaks about the miraculous healing of Stage 4 cancer she received from Master John Douglas, a healer and spiritual leader from Australia. You can learn more about Master John Douglas and the CD/MP3s and healing discs that she mentions at
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
EPISODE 7: Sizzling Rev. Ed Bacon for the Heart: Love is the Answer
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Reverend Ed Bacon was rector of the largest Episcopal Church in the Western United States for over 20 years. He continued the church's long tradition of working for LGBTQ rights, furthering their interfaith and peace objectives and since retiring continues to make a difference in the world each and every day.
A favorite guest on Oprah Winfrey's Super Soul Sunday series, Ed's book 8 Habits of Love: Open Your Heart, Open Your Mind reminds us why. The book is full of the wisdom we all love: simple, elegant and easily accessible for all faiths and all levels of personal transformation. He and his book are heart-opening and love-inspired.
In this interview Ed shares his thoughts on how we can take care of our hearts in this world that can feel more full of fear than love. He talks about how we can heal our individual and collective pains around the topics of Anthony Bourdain's recent suicide, school shootings, and more. He gives many helpful tips for heart healing and heart care: developing a stillness practice, cultivating a gentle and sweet heart, sharing love, raising children as divine beings, and connecting through love and God... and more!
About midway through the interview, Bacon mentions this bit of inspiration from Aminatta Forna, which is definitely worth a listen: PBS News Hour with Aminatta Forna